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1 Dozen Pastured Eggs

1 Dozen Pastured Eggs

Taking new egg customers mid-July. Please only check out if you are an existing egg customer.

If you are interested in becoming an egg customer in July please let us know, we would be excited to connect with you!

We raise our egg-laying chickens in a mobil coop that we move each week. We allow our chickens to free-range, maintaining a net around them to keep predators out. This allows our chickens to freely forage over 1/2 an acre per week. We move the chickens weekly so that they do not strip all the forage from the area, and your eggs are consistantly nutritious from the forage availability.


Not supprisingly, hens that are raised in a species appropriate lifestyle, and are allowed to forage a species appropriate and natural diet, produce a healthier, more nutritios egg than confinement farmed, feed rationed hens.

  • Why Pastured Eggs?

    • 300-600% more vitamin D (helps build strong bones)
    • 100% more Vatamin E (essential for your vision, blood, brain, skin, and is an antioxidant)
    • 100% more Omega 3 fats (essential for the health of your brain)
    • 250% more Omega 3 fatty acids (building block for cell walls, and an energy source for your body)
    • Half the amount of Omega-6:Omega-3 fatty acids (Reduces inflamation)
    • 38% more Vitamin A (supports your immune system, vision, and more)

    Plus MORE!

    See Details HERE

Price Options
One-time purchase
$4.25every week until canceled
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